5 за 5 (история 11) It’s all about technical management
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1. Sharing Our Engineering Ladder
«Creating an engineering ladder (that is, the job descriptions and levels of an engineering organization) is a daunting task. If you do a half-hearted job, you’re likely to cause more problems than you solve.»
«In addition to the ladder causing problems inside of my team, we were having a hard time evaluating candidates during interviews and determining what level to hire them into. Particularly at the more senior levels, it wasn’t clear what the criteria for success really looked like. So, together with my tech leads and engineering managers, we rewrote the ladder to be more specific. It has been very helpful both for the process of reviews and promotion committees as well as for the process of hiring.»
Я уверен, приведенные в ссылках характеристики коими должен обладать разработчик и менеджер на разных позициях в своей карьере, будут полезными многим.
2. If Your Boss Could Do Your Job, You’re More Likely to Be Happy at Work
Анализ результатов исследования зависимости отношения подчиненных к своей работе от качеств руководителя: «The benefit of having a highly competent boss is easily the largest positive influence on a typical worker’s level of job satisfaction. Even we were surprised by the size of the measured effect. For instance, among American workers, having a technically competent boss is considerably more important for employee job satisfaction than their salary (even when pay is really high).»
3. Отличный keynote от Camille Fournier
The role of being technical in technical leadership
«This is a talk about engineering management, which I think is pretty important for building effective engineering teams and building good products. We’re going to talk about what actually what it means to put the engineer in engineering management.»
4. Сейчас читаю «The Manager’s Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change» by Camille Fournier. Мне эта книга очень бы помогла на заре моей менеджерской карьеры. Сейчас у меня уже набиты мозоли и местами некорректные мои действия трудно менять. Но стараюсь.
Есть в русском переводе «От разработчика до руководителя«
5. Engineering management: the pendulum or the ladder
«It’s primarily aimed at new managers, who aren’t sure what their career options look like or how to evaluate the opportunities that come their way, or how it may expand or shrink their future opportunities.»